Their head of marketing was contacted by Shopwindow and was immediately impressed. Elise says: She came to me and said Elise, this guy came in here and showed me this product and It was amazing. You need to check it out. We really should think about using this. Of course, I was a skeptic until I saw the demo and then, I was totally intrigued.
Elise says When we sat down and first starting learning about Shopwindow, there was a lot of other capabilities of the product that had great appeal to us. Light bulbs started going off about the different ways that we could use Shopwindow to communicate and work with the people that were on our list. It was incredible. She adds: "We recognized that we didn't have an efficient way of communicating with people.
Plus, we also were badly in need of a texting service. Asked to explain further, Elise says: The product is really clean, and if we're running a short course or workshop I can quickly identify potential students.
That feature has been really cool for us. It's brought in quite a lot of revenue for us in terms of people signing up to our courses. Before we had this offers feature, we didn't really have a good way to for people to look at a page and click and buy something in a way that was really user-friendly. I think the offers feature is a really big part of the product.