June 13, 2024

A Business's Guide to QR Codes

Written by: Shopwindow4min read

What Are QR Codes?

Qr Codes are a 2 dimensional barcode way for you to have someone instantly use their phone to get engaged with you in a manner that is beneficial to both you and them. You’ve probably seen QR Codes, but don’t know how to effectively use them in your business. We have tons of experience with customers using QR Codes to increase their leads and conversion rates.

Why Use QR Codes in Your Business

One problem many businesses face when utilizing QR Codes is they get content onto someone’s mobile phone, but they don’t receive any helpful information about that lead. Our QR Code techniques are a win for your business and your customers. We provide a simple way to create an interaction where you are collecting contact information and interests about someone, and your lead gets access to the information they’re looking for. Shopwindow is matching content, media, offers, and helpful resources to the specific needs of the lead, which significantly increases the conversion rate from interest to sale.

Many of our customers use QR Codes to boost leads and conversion rates from their physical touchpoints like fliers and signage. Leads get customized content at the exact time of inquiry, and businesses get the information they need to follow up and close a sale.

How to Use QR Codes

Use QR Codes when you need a quick way to engage with a customer either face to face or digitally with ease. Your QR Codes should direct people to an action you want them to take which leads to their engagement. If you simply link your QR Code to your website, you’re missing out on creating an engaged lead that you have information about.

Retail Sales Strategies That Utilize QR Codes

Automatically Send Targeted Marketing With QR Codes

Melanie is a spa owner. She primarily promotes her business at local markets where she sets up a table. While talking to customers, she points them to a QR code on a flier and explains this will give helpful information about the variety of treatments she offers. In under a minute, people scan the QR code and are presented with a form on their smartphone. They answer a few questions about their needs and upon submitting are instantly sent an elegantly designed page (via text message or email) filled with information specific to their needs. Customer A is interested in anti-aging benefits. She is texted a page with products, a coupon, and booking links all targeted towards anti-aging. Person B is interested in laser hair removal.

After submitting her form, she receives a text with a page filled with information about the spas laser hair removal options, booking information, and a coupon. Melanie spends her time at the booth building a personal connection with potential clients, while Shopwindow takes peoples information and curates the right content for each persons unique needs. Melanie is giving people everything they need to know without having to lift a finger which is leading to more appointment bookings than ever before.

Simply, by offering a QR code, we were able to convert someone who had modest interest, into a customer. We've improved her conversion rates and shortened the sales process which made Melanie very happy.

Customer Check Ins

Alyssa at Petland has revolutionized the puppy adoption experience with the Puppy Playdate Check In system. Customers can meet any puppy by scanning the posted QR Code and checking in. They fill out a quick form, providing their name, contact information, and indicating which breed they desire. Petlands Shopwindow then sends them a photo of the puppy, personalized content on financing options, products a new puppy owner would need (like toys and food bowls), and perks for new puppy owners. Alyssa, informed by the system, guides customers to the puppy meeting area. After the meet-and-greet, customers either make a purchase or leave. For those who don't find their match, Alyssa circles back armed with insights into their preferences, making the buying process smoother and more personal. This streamlined approach not only makes puppy playdates a breeze but also improves the probability of sale, increasing the transaction size, and creating a happy customer.

A Simple Way to Collect Video Testimonials

Shawn at Cosmic Air, a family entertainment center, approaches customers who are having the best time at his family entertainment center. He tells them he can give them a free soda if they shoot a quick video review. The customer is having a blast and would love a free drink, so they say ‘yes.’ Shawn points to a QR Code on the wall. The customer scans the QR Code, is taken to his Shopwindow Video Stories interface, films a short video about the amazing experience they are having, and gets sent a coupon for a free soda after they submit their video.

These steps are all done in Shopwindow so Shawn doesn’t have to lift a finger. The customer is thrilled to get their drink, and Shawn has access to a great customer testimonial that he posts on his social media. One parent, Anna, sees the video of a teen around her son’s age having so much fun, and she decides to book her son’s birthday party at Cosmic Air the following month.

Shawn is getting new customers and party bookings all for the price of a single soda. By using QR Codes to get reviews, Shawn has increased leads, improved conversion rates, increased sales size, and created two happy customers.

How to Get Started With Custom QR Codes for Your Business

We understand consumer facing businesses, and would like to show you how we can help you. Contact us to learn how we can help you increase your leads, increase conversions, shorten the sales process, increase the size of your sales, and increase the satisfaction and numbers of repeat customers.