
Every detail about your customers information, interests and interactions is stored in the Shopwindow Database. This information could include name, age, interests, preferences, tags, funnel stages, behaviors, and much more.

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Associated Products


Activity feed showing how people are interacting with your content in real time. A crystal ball into people subscribing to your organization, submitting forms, opening brochures, clicking links, watching videos, and more.


Leave Notes on the people within your database. Other users on your Shopwindow account can view these Notes as well as see who created them.


Create a list of To-Do items on the people within your database. You can also assign a staff member and a due date to these items, and other users on your Shopwindow account can view and complete them.


Create Appointment Types and book users or have them book themselves with our Appointment booking system. This system is intuitively wired to your businesses hours and staff member availabilities.


Create Forms with our easy to use Form Builder. Publish content, redirect, and apply specific tags to people upon submitting a Form, and view comprehensive data on the Form submissions you receive with Reports.


Utilize Funnels to define and visualize the stages that comprise your customer’s journey. See how long they’ve been in a particular funnel stage, as well as who needs an additional nudge to move to the next stage.

Database Features


Use Tags to label, identify, and categorize the audience in your database.

Sub Objects

Sub Objects allow users to provide information for a block of fields that you define and at a quantity that they control.


Define a Smartgroup based on specified behaviors and user information, such as age, whether or not they completed a particular form, or how many times they engaged with a piece of content.


Personalise content to optimize it for the users that view it so that they see information and content that is relevant to them individually.

User Contact Choice Module

Allow users to choose their own method of receiving content and updates from you, either through E-mail, or an SMS text message.